"Albert Camus wrote that the only serious question is whether to kill yourself or not."


Here you go, in case you wanted to read the coolest thing you’ll read today:


Way to kick off a fantastic Friday!

Imagine that? A moon flying around out there in space, with desserts, lakes, and rain, all made of methane, because it’s less than -200 ºC. Incredible! I can’t wait to see pictures of it. Mars is exciting, but the moons of Jupiter?! Super exciting.

What else is exciting is that I sold yet another piece of furniture. Now, my friends with educations of a certain leaning will tell you that is a key indicator of suicide risk, but pay them no attention, my dear reader – it is in fact an indication of a desire to be free of material wants.

I don’t need a filing cabinet. I don’t need a beside table. I don’t need a couch, or dinner table, or anything, frankly. They are just extra crap I don’t need! Well now I have $30.00 instead. Goodbye, giant heavy metal storage unit of other crap I didn’t want either. I barely knew ye.

The Paper Weight

Sold my filing cabinet.

ps: I suppose I should thank E.W. for the filing cabinet, donated graciously during his stint as Facilities Manager at our last job.

In other news, today is an exciting day, because rather than work, I’m taking a First Aid course via work. This is exciting. In case you didn’t know, I’m doing a personal training course as well, and this is a component of that, required for certification. Making things happen!

Anyway, not much else going on, so I’ll leave you with that. Hope everyone is having a wonderful day so far. The sun is shining, the weekend beckons, life is good.

Say my name,


1 Comment

  1. Robbie

    That’s the spirit!

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