Did you ever want to generate an Excel spreadsheet (using Openpyxl, for example) but wasn’t sure how to reproduce those nice new colors? Well wonder no more.
Here are the hex codes for the 70 default Excel 2010 colors:
#FFFFFF | #000000 | #EEECE1 | #1F497D | #4F81BD | #C0504D | #9BBB59 | #8064A2 | #4BACC6 | #F79646 |
#F2F2F2 | #7F7F7F | #DDD9C3 | #C6D9F0 | #DBE5F1 | #F2DCDB | #EBF1DD | #E5E0EC | #DBEEF3 | #FDEADA |
#D8D8D8 | #595959 | #C4BD97 | #8DB3E2 | #B8CCE4 | #E5B9B7 | #D7E3BC | #CCC1D9 | #B7DDE8 | #FBD5B5 |
#BFBFBF | #3F3F3F | #938953 | #548DD4 | #95B3D7 | #D99694 | #C3D69B | #B2A2C7 | #92CDDC | #FAC08F |
#A5A5A5 | #262626 | #494429 | #17365D | #366092 | #953734 | #76923C | #5F497A | #31859B | #E36C09 |
#7F7F7F | #0C0C0C | #1D1B10 | #0F243E | #244061 | #632423 | #4F6128 | #3F3151 | #205867 | #974806 |
#C00000 | #FF0000 | #FFC000 | #FFFF00 | #92D050 | #00B050 | #00B0F0 | #0070C0 | #002060 | #7030A0 |
Thanks for that HEX chart – Very useful. I hate the new colours on the latest version of Excel. I wish you well.